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Tilo Must Be So Embarrassed!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:49 pm
by Boolean

So I've been playing the latest updates and I've been enjoying it - but I found a few new bugs and actually ran into two strange ones at the same time.

In the garden area with the scarecrow, you can move through the wall on the side, as seen in the video below.

Video of wall issue:

Now I didn't get a video of the bug that makes him lose his hood, but I can explain it.
After I was falling into the same void another time, I loaded an autosave from earlier (when I spoke to Gusto, it autosaved then). I think I was wearing the thief hat when I was falling that time. When the save near Gusto and Fatale loaded, Tilo was on the ground like he just fell. When he stood up, his hood was gone, because in that save I didn't find the thief hat yet. So I guess it tried to load the hat but it didn't exist in that save.

So the steps are:
1) In a save where you don't have the thief hat, equip the minstrel's hood and speak to Gusto and Fatale. The game will autosave when you are done speaking.
2) Next, travel to the garden area, find the thief hat, and equip it.
3) Save the game in the nearby barrel. Then exit it.
4) Load the autosave where you spoke to Gusto and Fatale.
5) Note that Tilo is embarrassed.

I actually haven't tried to duplicate the bug more than once yet, but let me know if these steps produce the bug.
EDIT: I tried to reproduce the bug and it didn't happen. Very strange. I still have the save from when it happened though.

Video of Tilo without his hood:

Re: Tilo Must Be So Embarrassed!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:59 am
by cosmogonies
Thank you for your feedback, but unfortunately I can't reproduce it T.T .
I'll still try, but if you can, it could be helpful to send us your save file at

Thanks again, all reports is very helpful to us as we are a very small team ^^.

Re: Tilo Must Be So Embarrassed!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:52 pm
by Boolean
Hey - I just checked and the save actually reverted back to normal - Tilo had his hood and there was nothing weird about it, it seems. If you still need the save I can send it, but I don't think there's anything to see.

I'm not a game programmer but I think the issue has to do with quicksaving and loading, because that's when it got glitchy - when I was falling through that wall and loading earlier saves. I loaded the game 3-4 times. I noticed other weird bugs when I did that too, like Tilo being on the ground when I loaded like he just fell, and another time after I loaded, it was daylight, and then it quickly jumped to night time.

Meanwhile I've found other small issues. I'm going to post them here - if that's alright - because I don't want to create too many threads:

Found an area you aren't supposed to be at, at the entrance to the woods: (Maybe there should be a secret up there. ;) )

If you walk inside a rat guard Tilo will move to the top of them:

Found some issues with invisible boundaries in various places, the one on the spiral staircase to the flooded cell seems really bad because the player can't get up through any other means (just a little seizure warning here too, the camera flickers a lot): (On this one I was completely immobile on the steps, I could only jump).

Another boundary showed up in the sewers at the entrance to the atrium:

Go smash 'em bugs! :)

Re: Tilo Must Be So Embarrassed!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:01 pm
by cosmogonies
Thank you, an incomming update should fix almost everything you mentionned ^^.

We really appreciate your precious feedback !