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Renown Stat in Inventory and Misc.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:07 pm
by Urban_Zamboni
Hey Awesome job on this game...without the pollution from triple A this is shaping up quite nicely. What is that renown stat for in green text near our clothing inventory section? I have a feeling but not certain. Only encountered one crash, where the audio bugged and froze and starting "buzzing". Also I'm encountering frame rate drops during encounters with alert guards. The build version says 4.0 but not 4.36 so I'm wondering did this build already receive the incepient optimization pass that you mentioned in the news post yesterday? Keep up the good work and I hope to see more environment puzzles like the flooded cell hidden stash. Also was hoping you could post a control scheme picture to refer to or a way to see past tutorial prompts. Also a way to play the lute to distract guards maybe? And use the spyglass? Any increase in interactive items in our inventories can only do more to improve the experience. Static items must be minimized :) any chance we could also get a way to cycle thru our maps while holding LB? Ty!!!

Re: Renown Stat in Inventory and Misc.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:22 pm
by Seith
Hi there! Glad you like the game so far. :)

- As you guessed the renown stat is not fully developed yet, but in a few words: it's the equivalent of XP. When you do things in the world like choose smart replies during dialogs, discover secrets, accomplish tasks/quests, learn things about the characters, etc... you will get rewarded with renown points.

Those renown point in turn will grow Tilo's health bar (and so at the same time his endurance). Which will allow Tilo to sprint longer and be more resistant.

- Regarding the current build: I indeed meant "4.0" instead of "3.94" (I fixed the post). So you are currently on the very old build. You will see a noticeable improvement in the next release.

- About the "control scheme picture", do you mean like a picture of the controller and indications of what buttons are doing? Completely separate from the tutorials? I just want to be sure I understand what you mean.

- For now the map you call in-game with the left button automatically shows the map corresponding to where Tilo is in the world (if you found the map first of course). If you want to look at different maps you have to go to your inventory. But we'll think about your suggestion!

- Regarding the "use the lute" topic, we have things in store for you... :)

Again, thank you for your feedback!

Re: Renown Stat in Inventory and Misc.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:22 pm
by Urban_Zamboni
Thank you for responding! I meant could u add a control scheme to the options menu:) sometimes I forget! Yeah I noticed my renown increasing when I found key items such as costume pieces :)